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Different Men: Different Methods

Writer's picture: S.J.S.J.

Matthew 11

16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,

17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.

19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

If two people ever had radically different ministries, it was these two. Yet, God used them both in unique ways in their preaching and ministries. John ate poor rations, Jesus attended many feasts. John wore camel hair, Jesus had a seamless coat. John was off by himself, radical in his separation almost an isolationist. Jesus was almost always around others. Yet God used them both.

Like different apples, they had different tastes, different qualities, different shapes and colors. Yet, just as two apples are both, well, apples. Both men still preached truth and served God in his plan for their lives.

While the perspective Jesus addresses is that of the unsaved Pharisees, I have to wonder if we often see others the same way. IFBs are notorious for their similarities to the Pharisees. In our self-centeredness, in our pious outer shell hiding a heart of secret sin, in our prideful arrogance, in so many ways we fall directly into the pattern they set. In this case we also think if others are not ministering exactly as we do, they are wrong.

One church may host a special day with lunch included for their town's first responders, another may send out a church bus or two or three for kids, while another may host a meal for their local football team, and another hold monthly NBT meetings in a local park. One may have a three day revival, another a week long, another for ten days. One may have a missions revival held over a week, another may have missions month with a new guest every Sunday.

Just because a church doesn't have a bus ministry doesn't automatically mean they hate children and never want to reach them. Yet some churches, pastors, and personalities would like you to think that.

Just because a church extends their VBS from three days to the entire week doesn't mean they are more spiritual than others. It may mean they have younger workers or more available work schedules.

One church may attend that one national youth conference every year, another may skip any camps and participate in annual missions trips instead. One may hold Patch the Pirate classes on an off night, another may do it during the main service on Wednesday. One may have a missions house, another may not. One may do extensive door-to-door evangelism, another may concentrate on passing out invitations downtown or on the subway, while another may find another way to reach people.

Every single church is different. Every community is different. Every preacher is different. Every ministry is different.

So before we try to stuff every ministry into the same box, before we try to tell others that they are not spiritual or godly for not doing things exactly how we do them, before we criticize someone for leaning this way or that way, just remember Jesus' words on the subject.

Both Jesus and John were spiritual, godly, difference making men who lived by the Bible.

Different churches all around this nation are spiritual, godly, difference making churches who live by the Bible.

Let's be careful before we mock others for doing exactly what God has led them to do.

Remember, "...wisdom is justified of her children."



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