"Legalism" is a religious catch-word that can be overused. It's used so much (at times) and in various different ways that it can cause undue misunderstandings.
I really appreciate Micahel Kruger's article on the subject. He clearly defines the 3 different kinds of legalism that exist and how to spot them.
While legalism, in any form, is nothing short of a dragon of destruction, wrecking havoc on our understanding of God's grace and love for us, it's far easier to define problems and have needful conversations when everyone involved understands the kind of legalism causing the issue. They are not all the same, and it's a big mistake to think that.
If you have a few minutes, please take a look. I think you'll find it helpful.
I've never been in a church that professes the "Salvation-Legalism." Never. However, I have heard preachers that dance awfully close to that line. Addionally, I have found myself in places suffering terribly from one, or both, of the second two kinds. While they would loudly protest being called legalists, they fail to realize there are other forms of legalism that also cause problems, not just the salvation-legalism they (rightly!) reject.
It would do us all well to read this article and examine our own hearts and minds for all three forms of legalism. We're human, we are sinners, and legalism is a very tempting sin.
Let us all rightly define our enemy, and let us all, by God's grace, flee from it. Legalism Series continued in Part 2 (Coming soon)